Museu Casa de José de Alencar

Museu Casa de José de Alencar (Museum José de Alencar’s House)
Maintained since 1965 by the Universidade Federal do Ceará (Federal University of Ceará) the location was first acquired in 1825 by the father of Brazilian writer José de Alencar. The author of Iracema and O Guarani lived there for nine years. The area has a small house from the nineteenth century, a dam and the ruins of the first steam sugar mill of Ceará. The museum consists of collections that bring the visitors closer to the writer and his work. The Pinacoteca Floriano Teixeira (Floriano Teixeira Art Gallery) exhibits 32 paintings by the painter from Maranhão portraying characters of Alencar's novels. Another highlight is the Sala Iracema (Iracema Hall), with 33 drawings by the artist from Ceará, Descartes Gadelha.